Cancer and Leo Compatibility

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Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac. It is a Moveable sign, with water as its element. The Moon is its ruler, who signifies the mind and emotions.

Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac. It is a Moveable sign, with water as its element. The Moon is its ruler, who signifies the mind and emotions. That makes the Cancerians (Cancer natives) sensitive and emotional. They might also be soft and kind. They are essentially family people, loving, protective, tolerant, understanding, forgiving, and entirely devoted to their near and dear ones. They can go to any extent to meet the needs of their family and friends and keep them happy. However, these people can also be highly temperamental and hyper-sensitive. While the Cancer natives will likely be empathetic, they may also be stubborn and possessive, thus reflecting the traits of the tenacious crab, the symbol of their sign.         

Many websites offer Free Astrology predictions. Cancer sign natives can refer to these sites and learn about their characteristics in detail.

Cancer - Leo Relationship

One can call the Cancer – Leo combination, the union between the motherly figure and the king of the zodiac. Leo is ruled by the king of the planets, the Sun, and has the king of the jungle, the lion, as its symbol. Thus, Leo remains royalty personified. People of this fire sign can be majestic, noble, broad-minded, generous, and authoritative.

But the Leos may secretly crave attention, and who else can give them such uninhibited care other than the nurturing Cancer? And that may not just be simple attention; it could even be outright appreciation in abundance. This could be one of the reasons why the unlikely pair of these water and fire signs, who possess very different traits, can still join hands and make a good life of it!

Let's have a closer look at how their relationship might fare, given their individual characteristics and the level of their compatibility. 

The Positives

Cancer is a sensitive sign that possesses the ability to feel emotions up to their deepest layers. If Cancer values one thing the most in life, it can only be emotional security. A stable relationship may come next in the order for them. The Leos can be sensitive enough to understand those Cancer sentiments and inner needs, even not so obvious or spoken out, and provide them that assurance in ample measures through their sensible words, thoughtful gestures, and timely actions, thus meeting their expectations and longings. The royal Leos can thus turn the Cancers' secret wishes into a reality. Then, the Cancerians may start looking up to the Leos as their anchors, well-wishers, and benefactors.     

On the other hand, the Leos love appreciation, fame, and recognition. They love having their admirers and fans around, even singing their praise at every opportunity. The 'crabs' can fit this bill to the full. They can allow the 'lions' to occupy the center stage, placing the Leos virtually on a pedestal and willingly accepting the role as their lifelong followers. Leos are born leaders, which the Cancer may acknowledge without hesitation, hand them over the control of their relationship, and be happy enjoying the protection and care that the Leos lavish on the Cancerians.      

Both Cancer and Leo know the art of understanding and satisfying the fundamental needs- both physical and psychological of the other and making each other feel the warmth of their concern, care, and affection. This ability to transform their sensitivity for the other into tangible acts of kindness can lead to their endearing romance, filled with love and warmth.  

The Other Side of the Cancer-Leo Story 

The Sun and Moon are the rulers of Leo and Cancer, respectively, making the signs as different as Day and Night. The Sun-driven Leo would love to be in the limelight, enjoying public adulation. In contrast, the Moon-driven Cancer's preference would only be the protective comfort of the home. But as the Leos go chasing applause and fame, trying to impress all and sundry, whom they consider important, they may consign their Cancer partners to a corner, leaving them to fend for themselves emotionally. Cancerians, who seek intimacy and psychological safety, can then feel completely detached. A kind word, a romantic look, and a gentle hug from the Leos at such difficult moments may be all that the Cancer may require to pick themselves up, but a lack of it can damage their bond almost irrevocably.        

However, the threat to their bond from the other side can be equally severe. The Cancerians can be unreasonably possessive and hypersensitive and even start prying on the privacy of the independent Leos. The regal Leos can take such Cancer behavior as an affront to their free spirit. These can cast a shadow on the health and longevity of the Cancer-Leo bond. 

The Cancer and Leo natives can refer to Free Astrology sites to learn about the free marriage compatibility aspect between the 2 signs.   

Cancer-Leo Love and Marriage

The majestic, masculine energy of the Leos can blend well with the charm and the feminine energy of the Cancers. When that remains natural, their friendship can mature, blossom into love, and flourish as a long-lasting relationship. Both can be attention seekers from different perspectives- Leo from the world outside and Cancer from private circles. And both can also be easily hurt and offended by criticism.  

If they acknowledge and accept these 'flaws' as inherent to their characters, are sensitive to each other's needs and expectations, and appreciate and play to their strengths, they can cement their bond and help their love, marital relationship, or partnership thrive and prosper with good compatibility and understanding.

We recommend that readers, whatever their zodiac signs are, get help from Free chat with astrology sites and know what destiny has in store for them in the future.
