Overview of #Kaixin Auto Holdings' Announcements and Implementation Status

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Overview of #Kaixin Auto Holdings' Announcements and Implementation Status.

**Recent Announcements:**

1. Name Change: On April 9, 2024, Kaixin Auto Holdings announced its legal name change to Kaixin Holdings. This change was implemented immediately, with shares commencing trading under the new name on Nasdaq the following day. No action was required from shareholders for this change to take effect【6†source】.

2. Myanmar Order: On March 4, 2024, Kaixin announced an export order of 1,000 electric vehicles (EVs) to Myanmar New Power Motor Co., Ltd. The first batch of 100 vehicles was scheduled for delivery shortly after the announcement【7†source】.

3. Partnership with DeepBlue AI Technology: In January 2024, Kaixin entered into strategic cooperation with DeepBlue AI Technology to develop AI-driven electric vehicles (EVs). This partnership aims to enhance Kaixin’s technological capabilities and market reach in the EV sector【6†source】.

4. Export Intention Order: On January 30, 2024, Kaixin received an intention order to export 1,000 EVs to New Power Auto in Myanmar. This agreement includes a five-year strategic partnership for the export of vehicles, with the first shipment expected soon after the announcement【8†source】.

Implementation Status:

Name Change: The name change has been fully implemented, with trading under the new name starting as scheduled.

Myanmar EV Order: While the initial announcement indicated a prompt delivery of the first batch of 100 vehicles, the exact current status of this delivery and subsequent batches is not detailed in the publicly available information.

Partnership with DeepBlue AI Technology**: Details on specific projects or outcomes from this partnership have not been provided, making it unclear how far this collaboration has progressed since the announcement.

Export Intention Order: Similar to the Myanmar order, the actual shipment and implementation details of this order are not fully disclosed. However, the strategic partnership agreement indicates a long-term commitment, suggesting ongoing or future deliveries.

Verification of Companies

#Myanmar New Power Motor Co., Ltd.** and New Power Auto**: Kaixin's announcements regarding the EV orders reference these entities. Further independent verification of these companies’ existence and operations would require additional research, potentially through business registries or direct contact.

In summary, while #Kaixin Auto Holdings has announced several significant developments and partnerships, detailed follow-ups on executing these plans are less transparent. Further investigation would necessitate verification of the involved companies and the exact progress on the orders.
