Is Breast Implant Permanent?

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Breast augmentation is an effective way to enhance the appearance of your breasts. While they are safe and designed to be long-lasting,

Deciding to have breast implant surgery in Delhi is a significant decision. It is an investment you make in yourself to achieve the looks you desire and look how you want. That said, this blog will address a ubiquitous question that strikes everyone's mind: "Do breast implants last forever?"

Breast implants do not last forever, and that is why many women choose to get them removed 10 to 20 years after their initial surgery. Before deciding to have implants, your plastic surgeon will explain the average life span of breast implants and how to care for them so that they last longer. 

What is the average lifespan of breast implants? 

Breast augmentation is an effective way to enhance the appearance of your breasts. While they are safe and designed to be long-lasting, renowned plastic surgeons say they are not lifetime devices. 

On average, the implants are designed to last more than a decade, with their chances of rupture increasing by 1 % every year. The older your implants get, the more likely they are to rupture. Breast implants can often remain in good shape for 20 years or more. Every patient is different, and the life of your implants will depend on your body and how you care for them.

What can be the reasons for breast implant removal or replacement? 

Breast Hardening occurs when scar tissue hardens around one or more implants. This hardening can cause tightness in the breast, pain, and changes in size and shape. 

Saline Rupture: When a saline implant ruptures, it can deflate like a balloon. As saline leaks, the breast can lose its shape and size. 

Silicone Rupture: This is also known as "silent rupture." It is quite different from saline rupture, but the thick silicone gel inside the silicone implant often stays within the implant when it ruptures. However, rupture can lead to reduced breast size, uneven appearance, and a tingling sensation. 

Rippling: In some cases, after a breast implant surgery in Delhi, the implants can develop wrinkles or ripples, which can become noticeable through the skin in extreme cases. 

Change in Position: While breast implants can change your appearance, they cannot stop your natural aging process. As you age, the sagging breasts become common. In such cases, breast implants often change their position. 

  • Personal Choice: Some women who choose to have breast implants in Delhi want to change the appearance of their breasts sometime after their initial surgery. This may mean a revision surgery with larger or smaller implants or even removing the implants entirely.

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Take proper care of your breast implants for a prolonged lifespan.

Proper care of your breast implants after a breast implant surgery in Delhi can help to improve their longevity. This care will begin just the day after your breast augmenation surgery. For example, your plastic surgeon will advise wearing a support garment or a surgical bra during recovery. If you don't follow these guidelines, the lack of support can lead to sagging over time. 

You should always follow your plastic surgeon's guidelines and attend all the annual checkups. If you have silicone implants, the FDA recommends getting an MRI 5 to 6 years after the initial surgery and every 2 to 3 years after that to maintain their integrity. Proper care of implants can help extend their life. 

Contact the renowned plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Delhi, Dr Shobhit Gupta, for the best recommendations on how to increase the life of your implant. 

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