What is SEO full form in Digital marketing?
What is SEO?

SEO or search engine optimization is a process of optimizing a website for better ranking in search engines. It is the practice of improving the visibility and relevance of a site in online search results pages (SERP) for relevant queries. With more people searching online, having high rankings on popular search engines is critical to any business’s success.

There are many factors that go into SEO ranking, including on-page content, backlink profile, and overall site design. On-page content includes everything from the title tags and metadata to the body copy and images on a website. A backlink profile includes the quantity and quality of links pointing to a website, as well as the age of those links. The overall site design includes things like font size, colors, layout, and navigation.

To improve your chances of ranking higher in Google searches, start by analyzing your competition and making changes to your website based on their strategies. Also, keep in mind that good SEO takes time – it can take months or even years for your site to start seeing positive results. However, with constant effort, it’s possible for any business to reach the top rankings
