Seeing baby roaches after extermination is a common occurrence and doesn’t necessarily mean the treatment was ineffective. Here are some reasons why you might still be seeing them:
1. Eggs Left Behind
Even after extermination, roach eggs may remain hidden in cracks, crevices, or other protected areas. These eggs can hatch after treatment, which is why you may see baby roaches. Most insecticides don't affect cockroach eggs, so a new generation can emerge if eggs were laid before treatment.
2. Residual Activity of the Treatment
Extermination treatments often involve the use of residual insecticides. These chemicals are designed to stay active for a while, so as baby roaches come out of hiding and encounter the poison, they will die. Seeing baby roaches can mean that the treatment is working, as they are emerging and then being exposed to the poison.
3. Time Needed for Full Eradication
Complete eradication can take some time. The extermination process may not kill all roaches instantly, especially those in hidden nests or places unreachable by the initial treatment. Over time, as these roaches come into contact with the treated areas or baits, they will die off.