When it comes to vitiligo treatment, different therapies offer varied results based on individual conditions. PUVA, Narrow Band UVB, and Excimer Laser therapies are among the most widely used treatments for repigmentation. PUVA (Psoralen and Ultraviolet A) combines a light-sensitizing drug with UVA exposure to stimulate melanin production. It is effective but requires multiple sessions and carries a risk of skin aging and other side effects. Narrow Band UVB, on the other hand, uses a specific wavelength of light to target depigmented areas, offering fewer side effects and making it a more commonly recommended option for long-term management. Excimer Laser is highly focused and effective for smaller patches, delivering UVB light directly to the affected area, thus reducing the risk to surrounding healthy skin. Kayakalp Global offers a holistic alternative to these conventional treatments. Their approach emphasizes Ayurveda and natural therapies, claiming to restore balance in the body, which can help treat vitiligo from within.