🖼️ Mastering Histogram Equalization: Your Ultimate Guide! 🌟

🔍 Question:
Given a grayscale image, perform histogram equalization to enhance its contrast. Describe the process in detail and explain how the transformation affects the image’s pixel distribution.

✏️ Answer:
1️⃣ Calculate the Histogram: Count the frequency of each pixel intensity value in the image.

2️⃣ Compute the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF): Sum the histogram values sequentially to create a cumulative curve.

3️⃣ Normalize the CDF: Adjust the CDF to span the full range of intensity values (0-255).

4️⃣ Map the Original Intensities: Replace each pixel’s intensity with the corresponding value from the normalized CDF, enhancing the image’s contrast.

5️⃣ Analyze the Result: Compare the original and equalized images. The equalized image will have improved contrast, making details more visible!

🔬 Histogram equalization enhances image contrast, making it a crucial technique in various applications. Struggling with your image processing assignments? We at https://www.matlabassignmentex....perts.com/image-proc are here to help! Get in touch with us for image processing assignment help online!

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