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Redefine Wellness with Harvest Harmony by Dr. Partha P Banerjee
Harvest Harmony by Dr. Partha P Banerjee explores how a well-balanced diet can serve as preventive medicine, empowering readers to take control of their health. Combining scientific insights and traditional wisdom, the book highlights the healing power of foods, herbs, and spices. It’s a transformative guide to holistic nutrition and well-being.
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In the simplest terms, statement jewelry is jewelry that looks bold and conveys a strong message about the wearer without saying a word. Going to the specifics, statement jewelry is used to define gemstone jewelry pieces that grab the audience’s attention and make the wearer look bold due to the jewelry’s large, ornate design. Some of the statement pieces that you see in the market are large versatile necklaces, chunky bracelets, and rings having various intricacies in their design.
In the simplest terms, statement jewelry is jewelry that looks bold and conveys a strong message about the wearer without saying a word. Going to the specifics, statement jewelry is used to define gemstone jewelry pieces that grab the audience’s attention and make the wearer look bold due to the jewelry’s large, ornate design. Some of the statement pieces that you see in the market are large versatile necklaces, chunky bracelets, and rings having various intricacies in their design.
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In the simplest terms, statement jewelry is jewelry that looks bold and conveys a strong message about the wearer without saying a word. Going to the specifics, statement jewelry is used to define gemstone jewelry pieces that grab the audience’s attention and make the wearer look bold due to the jewelry’s large, ornate design.
Ultra Boost 跑鞋發展史
每當大家談到Adidas,想必大家首先想到的就是“三條紋”、“三葉草”和“Yeezy”等等。但是,小編今天給大家帶來的是Adidas家族裡一顆璀璨的明星“地表最強跑鞋”——UltraBoost系列。現在,就讓各位跟隨著小編的腳步,一起來了解一下adidas Ultra Boost系列的發展史。
Ultra Boost 1.0,Adidas於2015年年初推出的專業跑鞋。當Kanye West轉投Adidas的那一刻,侃爺不僅將他的設計帶到了Adidas,同時也通過自己的上腳,為Adidas Ultra Boost 1.0做了最好的廣告,開啟了Ultra Boost 跑鞋的黃金時代。
在那個年代,根據美國市場調研機構NPD Group的數據分析,運動市場出現了一個前所未有的狀況:專業運動品類的銷量正在呈高個位數下降,而日常生活類的跑鞋銷量則增長近一半。
作為1代的UltraBoost跑鞋,將Adidas引以為傲的三大運動科技:獨創的 Primeknit 編織技術、Ultra Boost 中底以及 Torsion System 技術一次集結。鞋面為Primeknit編織鞋面,編織方法為箭頭狀並帶有鏤空設計,透氣性良好,並且貼合足部的設計,給予腳十分優越的透氣感和舒適感。
鞋身兩側的支撐以及後跟的設計細節也都讓人記憶深刻。Ultra Boost中底的“踩屎感”更是成為了眾多球鞋愛好者的追求,儘管不耐磨和很滑是一個減分點,但是也根本不能影響Ultra Boost 1.0成為潮流人士的追捧對象。
在看到Ultra Boost 1.0高高在上的銷量之後,Adidas在2016年趁熱打鐵推出了Ultra Boost 2.0版本。2.0與1.0版本最大的差異就在於鞋底材質的改變。2.0版本的鞋底改為了抓地力更加精良的馬牌輪胎大底,鞋底加入了“Continental”字樣,大底的橡膠顆粒扁平了些許且變得粗大。更好的觸地效果使得2.0可以更從容的面對雨天與溼滑地面。
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