Niranjan Hiranandani News: REIT Plans and Mentorship Transition
The co-founder of the Hiranandani Group, in the latest Niranjan Hiranandani news, is considering launching a real estate investment trust (REIT) in the next 6-12 months, fueled by the rapid growth of their data center business.
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May consider launching REIT in 6-12 months, data centre business growing very fast: Niranjan Hiranandani

May consider launching REIT in 6-12 months, data centre business growing very fast: Niranjan Hiranandani

Investors' interest is also strong in Yotta, the group's pure-play data centre arm. Revenue from Yotta is slated to equal or exceed that of the group's residential business over the next few years, according to Niranjan Hiranandani.